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Curly haired bride / bridesmaid? This one's for you...

We are seeing more and more curly haired brides embracing their natural curl these days and we LOVE it! With salons specifically catering for this hair type popping up all over the country, (like Nuala Morey salon), it's about time you got some bridal and bridesmaid styling information too. Not only this, but my team have armed me with hints and tips to help you along the way.

Styling by Ruth

And a note from Ruth... 'I ask my curly haired clients who want their hair diffused to keep their natural curl, to wash their hair as normal on the day and to bring their own favourite products. At the end of the day they know their hair best. If they want their natural curl more defined and enhanced with heat, then I would ask them to wash it a couple of days before and I will then discuss how they would like it enhanced'.

Styling by Leanne

A note from Leanne... 'It's generally hard to work fully with natural curls. They should expect to have some heat styling to define some of their curls to enable it to sit better. Clients with natural curls, tend to have a good idea of what works for them and what they like'.

Styling by Charlotte

A note from Charlotte...On their trial, I'll ask what their routine is and may recommend some deep conditioning treatments ahead of their wedding day, to have the most glossy hydrated curls possible. This can be a minefield though as over hydrated curls, lose definition, so will only recommend this if I feel it's necessary. As the others say, I will ask them to prep and dry their hair as normal the day or two beforehand, for diffusing wash on the morning and I'll add products, or use theirs if they have 'hero products'.

Styling by Sam

A note from Sam... 'I ask them to dry or natural dry as normal, but for definition. Also ask that they only use a small amount of their usual finishing products. I generally leave natural but curl the perimeter in different directions with a chopstick curler to add a natural looking curl. I use lots of moisturising and finishing products to get the sheen back and tell them not to worry, it will look natural'.

Styling by Laura

Styling by Natalie S

Styling by Katie M

Thank you for reading

I hope this has helped you plan your hair styling and how to prepare for it

Emily and Team


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